- 我最期待的畫面出現了[10AUG17更新]
- 在巿場提款,CUP SIR 的離開會係最後一個?
- [BTC] Why Bitcoin investment Trust (GBTC) is not a wise pick in long term?
- OCT 2017 Portfolio Report: unfinished
- Bitcoin 直迫四萬美元?
- 老師(CKM001):你去左邊?我終於買左 2628 啦!
- I go to school by bike: a Short Note to My Portfolio (sorry for my broken English)
- 唔係收租仔無 ML?記一個替代戶口
- 積微錄與讀研二三事 [初稿]
- 新書推介 II
2017年12月9日 星期六
2017年10月31日 星期二
OCT 2017 Portfolio Report: unfinished
[29 OCT 2017 Portfolio Report]
A risk-parity portfolio incl assets of Fixed Income (FI), REIT, Commodity, Gambling Fund and Equity.
Target ratio- 45% FI: 20% REIT: 3.5% Commodity: 0.5% Gambling: 31% Equity
Leveraged. When net worth increased, would not keep the leverage ratio constant but lower it.
[Section 1: Fixed Income/]
HSEA/ HSEB 33.94%
HSBC 優先股,網絡上不少人互抄組合而持有。多次買賣後IB 顯示的均價為26.159/ 26.763. 25文回收亦本已回。雖然有浮盈,但係價格唔過份的情況下,不會再減持。FI 部分的膽,主力輸出每季股息。SWAN。(cr 70s? 都唔記得邊幾個講先)
BCS PRD 20.01%
巴仔優先股,現價7.6% yield. 定息。 之前皇蘇(?)中伏後加大買入。無乜好講,現價唔會再買入就係。
CTBB/ CTDD 13.86%
Qwest Note. 40 年期。有與趣買的請自行研究佢同Qwest 債的分別。減持HSEA/B 後買入。算係將優先類輸出分散係另一個行業。(cr 魔)
FXCM Bullion
多年前的FXCM 炒金戶口,仍有每年5% “利息”,每月派發。24 小時內可提到錢,權充高息戶口用。
Corporate Bond x 11 8.9%
Maturity between 2018-2021. Short term, junk rating. 9 companies. 4/11 of them are non-callable. 雖然有中過伏 (TOY),但整體仍屬於SWAN (Sleep Well At Night) 類別。大約明白的投資物。買點有可能係市場付出過高價錢時買入/ 要求的溢價過低,中途賣出有機會蝕價。大多以PAR 以下買入,以持有到期為目標。低至中風險,確定性高,被恥笑風險極高,有事時十之八九有人出黎話望兩眼就知一定唔會買XXX呢隻之類。(cr 70s)
C PRN 6.25%
城市浮息優先股。現價7% YIELD。如果唔係銀行業太多的話及現價偏高的話會加購。
Short ZN
10 年期T-Note 短倉。由TLT 短倉轉入,慳息。每季轉倉一次。目標為對沖FI 類的部分風險,利率上升時 ZN 價跌會帶來利潤,可消抵部分FI 類的價格下跌。見10 年買賣成交最活躍而選擇,不然會選最高年期的。
[Section 2: REIT]
RW0U 15.62%
Mapletree GC,又一隻互抄組合下的熱門。約7 成資產為又一城,其餘兩個物業(好似)係上海同北京。新加PORE 上市,收息唔扣稅。均價一文,已購滿倉。無意思再增購。Starman 自己低位買入後熱推,現時應該大把buffer。係電影院同一D 大鋪重開後有機會見DPU15/16 2H 後新高。(cr Starman)
NRZ 10.93%
分為mREIT 類(亦可以係mREIT ETF 入面見到呢隻),然而,NRZ 同其他mREIT 對於利率的反應大不同。花了不少時間理解業務及公司運作。算是可以理解得到而未充分理解的。據SA (Seeking Alpha) 所讀的資料,公司高層以每年1.5% 的公司Equity 為管理費(另加10%以上的25% 分紅),所以幾年前無把握P/B 低於1 時回購股份,反而會為收購資產而增發新股。非常有趣的公司。管理人員與股東有衝突,但仍然做了不少有助公司擴展的DEAL。期望加息期的表現。另持有期權。 (Cr Herman)
WPG 2.23%
B-Mall,抄返黎。大致同意實體店不會完全被取替,但當中的價錢有多少是由悲觀做成的扣減依然不明。現價12.8% YIELD. 高息令到投資人以為有險可守,可能不知覺下價錢輸大了。(Cr Herman)
CBL 1.50%
B-Mall,抄返黎。大致同意實體店不會完全被取替,但當中的價錢有多少是由悲觀做成的扣減依然不明。現價13.5% YIELD.高息令到投資人以為有險可守,可能不知覺下價錢輸大了。(Cr Herman)
STOR 0.93%
抄Warren Buffett (的馬仔)。似放數公司。有增長。 (Cr W. Buffett)
[Section 3: Commodity]
XAU 1.44%
買D 金之後再每樣買D,商品類最後變左依家呢幾隻。XAU 有時會以期權出擊,現時無期權。
DBC 1.03%
URA 0.82%
鈾ETF。上年年尾持有至今。純等最壞的時候慢慢遠離。核電廠係311 以前買落的遠期合約交收後,由於電廠關閉,係現貨市場出貨,現貨價跌得重。等各地核電重啟。
564 0.65%
煤機。同兗州煤業(1171)之間2 選1 時選到。 可能會轉到後者。等中國發力。
358 0.61%
江銅。Dr Copper。等中國發力。
DBA 0.54%
農業ETF。想買多D 非中國農業類相關公司如化肥等。
NXE 0.18%
李+* 的核電公司,他持有普通股再增購CB。望住CB 價做的倉。
[Section 4: Gambling]
Bitcoin 第一次留意到時係USD 30;第一次買入時係USD 300;今日買賣價係USD 6,000+。講緊呢廿倍係兩年左右的事。用in-house 19 model 估算USD 8,000-10,000 係暫時的目標價。不會再大手買入除非有關於Bitcoin ETF/ Future 的消息出現。
Bitcoin 同Ethereum 以“實物” 買入,市場上另有ETF 和CFD。
往日主要係海外馬,半全膽的落注。今季荒廢中。另有呀紅姑係馬房俾的料,知道下邊隻會全力去馬,就買些少W+大量P 博一場。 (Cr poolhunter)
[Section 5: Equity]
US Momentum Fund 15.93%
美股動力股組合,純以技術反析建構的組合。每週出入大約數隻,持股基本上20-25 隻強中強股份,平注買入。即使計及和調整每週回報的SD 差異後仍比SPY 回報高。每星期用半小時計算新組合及落定星期一的盤。
TMT 亂買 Fund 5.33%
AMZN 0.42%- 我唔覺得我會知道佢值多少。
JD 0.71%- AMZN CN? 但係你又無人地的AWS。
GOOG 0.77%- 廣告生意通路費+ PE+ VC 投資。
YRD 0.83%- P2P 財仔
CTRP 0.89%- 以前日本人有錢就出外,依家中國人有錢都係出去玩
SFTBY 1.73%- BABA proxy. 送sprint 電訊,送一堆PE 投資
仲有期權SP 一堆 AAPL/ BABA/FB 等收貨。
廢西三寶/四寶 3.24%
年頭時買入當時全球以CAPE 計最廢的RSX/ TUR/ EWZ,後加入EPOL 成為四寶。 類似買入杜指PE 最低幾隻的概念。來年應該會再買。(Cr allanlin)
XIN 2.70%
大陸地產股但係係美國上市。咁你想佢有好的股價表現好難架WO。年中將賺到的內房資金加購XIN。當然,唔轉會賺得仲多。等PB 回升。有期權LC。(Cr Herman)
WETF 2.62%
ETF 發行商,主要睇佢歐洲同日本兩隻ETF 多唔多人買,簡單講就係兩地市場升定跌,越升通常隻ETF 越熱賣,尤其日本hedge 埋YEN 個隻。我的另一個原因買入係用黎使“放到2047 等USD/JPY 見140” 的PROXY。
2343 2.12%
Dry Bulk 股,受惠行業重組。全球經濟進入再起飛有助原材料出入口。公司成功係行業低潮時供股頂住大量借貸。中風險,高回報。有機會出場Davis Double Play.
2136 1.7%
大陸百貨股。價值PLAY。偉哥加持。(Cr wai gor)
M04 1.49%
酒店的外皮,但條TRADE 係價值系的。銅記世貿旁邊的酒店之前話想賣,又話收到的價錢唔岩。話想嫁又未嫁。收起黎等進一步好消息。賣得出會有不少回報。典型具有期權性質的TRADE.
市場寶 1.31%
現時得2822 A50 ETF 一隻。有時會有其他大市ETF 或大市beta 類股份如各地交易所等。年中大量388 和天量DEC17 LC 215 已止賺,玩緊timing the market 的遊戲,內心希望2018年1月底前恆指會調整並見底(258?)。另有不同市場的遠期期權(LEAPS) LC。
GNW 1.3%
保險公司。等被中資收購。但一再延長各項審查。現價與收購價有大折讓。持有LEAPS。(Cr Herman)
3397(JP) 1.18%
丸龜公布收購譚仔後見大跌而買入,可能日本人唔識乜野係譚仔。收購價和營業資料如果為真,收購PE 約10X,行業估值低。
UAL 1.14%
美國四大航空公司之一,4大長期做SP 等收貨,暫時收到一集。另有其餘3大的SP。抄Warren Buffett. (Cr W. Buffett)
NTNX 1.05%
從業內人士聽返黎的公司。前月SP 收到貨。(cr RW)
ESNT 0.98%
Mortgage insurer. 極高風險,高回報。係可能係史上最慢的加息期內應有表現,為俾唔起兩成首期的業主做mortgage保險,類似HKMA 做緊的事。可能算係MBS 打手。好有趣的公司。有期權LC。(Cr hkej blog)
3368 0.86%
百貨股。基本上唔相信網購會打死百貨業。低價買入等行業好轉。 (Cr JL)
ROSN 0.73%
熊寶寶,俄佬石油。基本上唔信頁岩氣革命會令石油價格長期係低位。熊大概念:俄羅C 復興。襯無人鍾意熊大時收集。
SB 0.65%
Dry Bulk 股。係外國幾隻之中選左佢。動力強,市值較高。行業有可能出現Davis Double Play. 有期權LC。
SBRCY 0.57%
熊寶寶,俄佬銀行。基本上唔信頁岩氣革命會令石油價格長期係低位。熊大概念:俄羅C 復興。襯無人鍾意熊大時收集。
Short SPY -1.94%
SPY 短倉本身用黎減低整個組合的波動。每月減少短倉中。開倉時機不好,連同LP 為本年付出不少“保險費”。
抄Warren Buffett 的Risk Arbitrage 股。因個倉要留位買位期權,暫時唔需要呢類較保守股份。寫作時已沽清。
[Section 6: Special treatment]
Long QQQ + Short AAPL
Pair trade, 暫時出事。
Long Bitcoinxb + Short GBTC
買入歐洲上市比較低溢價的BTC ETF,沽出US OTC 的BTC 的類似Closed-End Fund 投資物。沽空利息高至8%+,曾見30%+。等GBTC 極不合理的70% 溢價收窄至約10%以下時會平倉。市場上甚至在我行動後不夠連想再借多D 貨也沒有。Risk Arbitrage 類工式作業。估計以沒借錢的情況算,以使用資本算,約有30%+ 利潤。
2017年10月18日 星期三
新書推介 II
The Essays of Warren Buffett: Lessons for Corporate America, Fourth Edition
The Essays of Warren Buffett: Lessons for Corporate America, Fourth Edition
新書推介 I
2017年9月7日 星期四
[BTC] Why Bitcoin investment Trust (GBTC) is not a wise pick in long term?
[I go to school by bike and did not learn good English, please forgive my broken English.]
Currently, Bitcoin is a heat topic. There are a few ways to invest in bitcoin (in Hong Kong)
1. GBTC- a bitcoin investment trust, more information here.
2. BITCOINXB- another way to invest/ bet on bitcoin though exchange. Notice that it is not listed in US but in Sweden, one may find BITCOINXB dominated in both EUR and SEK.
3. Buy bitcoin directly and store it on wallet/ trading platform.
For GBTC, it is basically a trust with certain amount of Bitcoin. Say, as at 31 AUG 2017, each share of GBTC holds 0.09242821 Bitcoin. It is trading in HEAVY premium (100% premium!?) in the exchange. Buy GBTC and hold it as a long term investment is likely to unperformed bitcoin price. When there is more instrument to invest in Bitcoin being available in the exchange, eg COIN ETF, Bitcoin future by CBOE x Gemini, one may expect the premium of GBTC will be narrow and GBTC will be trading at NAV or slight above NAV due to its taxation advantage by US investors.
Days before, GBTC dropped by 20% in a day while the bitcoin price is around the same. Notice that the premium maybe topped. Although some investors who bought GBTC months before enjoy the increment of both bitcoin price and the premium, example, those who read and followed to buy should understand the risk of premium narrowing.
BITCOINXB is trading in slight premium (~3% as my last check month before). It would be a good tool to invest in Bitcoin if one do not want to hold and take the risk of missing it. In order to minimize the forex risk, one may convert the SEK or EUR balance into USD or HKD.
If you are interested in buying Bitcoin directly, you may go to localbitcoin or gatecoin. I have traded on both platform and have good experience. (Sorry I don't provide referral CODE here to help you and eat commission. please check it in other site, I'm sure tons of people are willing to help you.)
Bottom Line:
IMHO, if someone point a gun into my head and force me to recommend how to do a bitcoin investment/ bet, I would say GBTC is something one should AVOID. Assume you have an Interactive Brokers account (or some brokers that allow you to buy in SW ex), BITCOINXB is a good choice to keep all investment in one account and no need to worry about missing the cold wallet private key or other reasons for bitcoin missing/ being stole. Buying bitcoin directly is also a good choice if you like to learn more about the bitcoin. Also the price would be better than BITCOINXB.(don't forget the cost of holding BITCOINXB and GBTC, the amount of bitcoin hold by every share of BITCOINXB/ GBTC is reducing everyday)
Disclosure: I am long Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash and interested in other alt-coin, however, for alt-coin I have no plans to trade any positions within the next 72 hours. I also have position in GBTC and BITCOINXB. Currently, Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash share less than 5% of my net worth.
PS, Asset allocation blog: http://valueinvestor2.blogspot.hk/
worth to read
Currently, Bitcoin is a heat topic. There are a few ways to invest in bitcoin (in Hong Kong)
1. GBTC- a bitcoin investment trust, more information here.
2. BITCOINXB- another way to invest/ bet on bitcoin though exchange. Notice that it is not listed in US but in Sweden, one may find BITCOINXB dominated in both EUR and SEK.
3. Buy bitcoin directly and store it on wallet/ trading platform.
For GBTC, it is basically a trust with certain amount of Bitcoin. Say, as at 31 AUG 2017, each share of GBTC holds 0.09242821 Bitcoin. It is trading in HEAVY premium (100% premium!?) in the exchange. Buy GBTC and hold it as a long term investment is likely to unperformed bitcoin price. When there is more instrument to invest in Bitcoin being available in the exchange, eg COIN ETF, Bitcoin future by CBOE x Gemini, one may expect the premium of GBTC will be narrow and GBTC will be trading at NAV or slight above NAV due to its taxation advantage by US investors.
Days before, GBTC dropped by 20% in a day while the bitcoin price is around the same. Notice that the premium maybe topped. Although some investors who bought GBTC months before enjoy the increment of both bitcoin price and the premium, example, those who read and followed to buy should understand the risk of premium narrowing.
BITCOINXB is trading in slight premium (~3% as my last check month before). It would be a good tool to invest in Bitcoin if one do not want to hold and take the risk of missing it. In order to minimize the forex risk, one may convert the SEK or EUR balance into USD or HKD.
If you are interested in buying Bitcoin directly, you may go to localbitcoin or gatecoin. I have traded on both platform and have good experience. (Sorry I don't provide referral CODE here to help you and eat commission. please check it in other site, I'm sure tons of people are willing to help you.)
Bottom Line:
IMHO, if someone point a gun into my head and force me to recommend how to do a bitcoin investment/ bet, I would say GBTC is something one should AVOID. Assume you have an Interactive Brokers account (or some brokers that allow you to buy in SW ex), BITCOINXB is a good choice to keep all investment in one account and no need to worry about missing the cold wallet private key or other reasons for bitcoin missing/ being stole. Buying bitcoin directly is also a good choice if you like to learn more about the bitcoin. Also the price would be better than BITCOINXB.(don't forget the cost of holding BITCOINXB and GBTC, the amount of bitcoin hold by every share of BITCOINXB/ GBTC is reducing everyday)
Disclosure: I am long Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash and interested in other alt-coin, however, for alt-coin I have no plans to trade any positions within the next 72 hours. I also have position in GBTC and BITCOINXB. Currently, Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash share less than 5% of my net worth.
PS, Asset allocation blog: http://valueinvestor2.blogspot.hk/
worth to read
2017年8月31日 星期四
[宣傳易2] hk70s SMILE 矯視
- hk70s
- SMILE 矯視 經歷分享
笑左。諗起有個BLOG 叫 Poor Guy HK Blog . 以前成日會POST D 乜乜物物優惠,例如銀行開戶、信用卡申請、商場買野等等,後期玩ref code, 通常叫人用佢CODE 申請,話幾個月後D 回贈到手“自己”連絡佢拎返回贈俾PG 的部分回贈,估計到時又有D人會唔記得,然後食多份。
玩REF CODE 唔識玩的會好硬生生咁留曲。識寫的通常會寫一至幾篇經驗/過程/心路分享,甚至有D 玩耐左的識釣人癮,先出篇講低大約係乜野,又講D唔講D,再等人之後更加想追看。到最後先黎一次“不私藏”之舉,哈哈。例子有某星人係咁推的私銀/IB “唔公開講得,留EMAIL”分享;或者講mapletree reit,先自己8 毫幾入貨,再“唔講得”的寫D唔寫D,分N 篇寫,等件貨係BLOG 界發酵。呢種又算唔算細樓仔搵多D人入場黎搵BUFFER 的case?中間各人又有乜利害關係?而BLOG 界各寫手與寫手、寫手與讀者的關係網又係點(財自黨/出書黨/講座黨/分享黨/BLOG 友谷/大臺/細臺/俾錢入會臺等等)?
比較正氣(無利益沖突)的呢類BLOG 有邊D?
- 湯財- 可能係全香港唯一一個會睇曬所有上市公司公告再分享的人。佢寫公司/監管當局日常點玩小投資者實在大開眼界。
- 味皇- 咁多年睇住佢一轉二轉,覺得佢好有天份。寫得比很多自以為幽默的好。非常有自己的行文風格。
- 順叔(財經茄哩啡)- 本地財經演義最佳寫手?寫左很多大家唔知或者早已忘記的事兒。
- (早期的)止凡、吳瑞麟 aka美股隊長(名人堂)。前者出左書同過巴黎搞講座(有無收錢單飛搞就唔知),會唔會有後著就自己諗。後者係名人堂個BLOG 寫唔少外地名家的心得,而且有過濾過+本土化,比起雪球的翻譯文更可讀。後期無係足球黃度做就化身隊長講美股,殺出一片藍海。同樣地,佢之後寫的野有無利益沖突就自己諗。[並非暗示佢地有]
- 朱泙漫- 以前信卜的網友。寫很多歷史與政治經濟的文章,非常可讀。
- 池裡漁- 難得寫咁耐波馬都未賣料。文章大多可讀,而且相信有很多人讀過後實驗一下。今年孖膽中獎注數再創新高,哈哈。
BLOG 界越來越烏煙瘴氣,而BLOG 界基本上是放大左的現實社會,好多時唔係講你的說話岩定唔岩,有定無理據,而係講你有無朋友十卜。財自界呢塊肥肉,人多錢傻又代代有新人加入,究竟邊D 人係網上黑社會,邊D BLOGGER 又互相做打手為對方抬轎?呢個會係有趣的題目。
另,對於70 兄分享SMILE 介紹人去佢醫生我係態度中立的。以上只係一個引子去講以前的BLOGGER POOR GUY(而唔係老屈70會食埋個500 蚊),畢竟,這個BLOG 是關於過去與現在的網上見聞。
[宣傳易] 天路客分享飯局
- 債券投資路
- 過去30年都在金錢世界打滾。年輕時雄心壯志創業到今日慢下來追求生命成長。投資路上由以往獨孤一味地產,去到股票、期權終於今天轉到債券來。 人生過了半佰,是時候從璀璨剌激轉到平實安穩了,心底裡也確實厭倦了終日守著報價屏,殺出殺入的日子。特別是經歷了2015年的A股過山車的蹂躪,損兵折將之餘,也無謂的虛耗了不少心力時間! 生有涯,錢無涯,以有涯隨無涯,殆矣!所以決定轉向無甚驚喜的債券投資,收取穩定現金流,輕輕鬆鬆過日子。
3)Interactive Brokers使用心得
2017年8月10日 星期四
拿,件事簡單講就係有個人的老婆有左癌病,咁原本個老公都好好地用「正統」西方醫學院的方法去醫。但正係事情無立即好轉的時候,個老公真係連黃大仙都去問埋。(1)然後,有一日佢見到(網上?)朋友叫佢老婆去試下香港某處的一D 另類療法,兼又有唔少人附和話不如一試。其實另類療法都有唔少,佢去見的係屬於一種自然療法。詳細係點樣療就唔詳細講了。我跳住黎講啦-
- 有人用西方醫學院正統方法醫好,亦有人醫唔好。有人完全唔食藥亦有案例好返,當然亦有人死。更甚者,如果有人肯去試,我相信大量只飲符水的患者當中,也有一些會好返,當然也有一部份會死去。
- 大部份(如非絕大部份)的另類療法的效果也沒有經過科學方法檢測,而證明有顯注效果。甚至乎有些方法連做過檢測的文獻也沒有。如果硬係要問底線係邊?咁雙盲可以係其一。
- 有部份另類療法會要求試用者停用其他藥物。如果有呢個情況,咁就要諗真D。(2) 而今次的主角亦正好停左藥去試呢種治癌的另類療法
- 呢個係乜野玩法?假想有人宣稱有種新人類大法,每天空肚食早餐,只要每天天明前去野外地方吸收天地靈氣作早餐用,自然會有不藥而癒,但講到明同時食其他藥會無效果,兼要你簽下自願書講明自己只同一時間用上新人類大法作治療。咁假設有100 個人黎試呢種新人類,同後有廿個人好返,大師就可以對外講有唔少例子係只同一時間用佢的新人類大法就已經醫好癌病。哇,咁教人呢種大法仲唔發過做
BLOGGERYoutuber? - 如果你或者身邊的人因為見到有遵從西方醫學而醫唔好的例子,又應否直接去幫襯另類療法甚或至各種東南亞/非洲巫醫呢?
另外,我花幾個鐘頭寫呢篇文為乜?我不禁諗:呢篇文對其他人的益處/效果係咪會好過D 半分鐘打一兩行字的網上留言?網上的野究竟有幾多真幾多流?
2017年8月4日 星期五
等睇各位BLOGGER 點講RBS 優先股贖回~~~
事緣盤前RBS 出左group announcement. (搵埋俾你要睇邊頁:P105/135)RBS 股價升而開市不久兩隻優先股NW PRC 同RBS PRF 就不斷跌。
睇完咁姐係呢兩隻優先股有無份?IB TWS double click 就無好似其他證券咁出現ISIN。相關資料可以係RBS 官網呢度查到:
[NW PRC] 12,000,000 Non-cumulative Dollar Preference Shares, Series C 08/04/1997 US6385398820
[RBS PRF] US$200,000,000 Non-cumulative Dollar Preference Shares, Series F 06/03/1997 US7800978048
無論如何,今次係好好的事件令各位死跟BLOGGER 買野的人好好檢視自己的組合風險。之後,就是期待BLOGGER 們會點講了~~
事緣盤前RBS 出左group announcement. (搵埋俾你要睇邊頁:P105/135)RBS 股價升而開市不久兩隻優先股NW PRC 同RBS PRF 就不斷跌。
睇完咁姐係呢兩隻優先股有無份?IB TWS double click 就無好似其他證券咁出現ISIN。相關資料可以係RBS 官網呢度查到:
[NW PRC] 12,000,000 Non-cumulative Dollar Preference Shares, Series C 08/04/1997 US6385398820
[RBS PRF] US$200,000,000 Non-cumulative Dollar Preference Shares, Series F 06/03/1997 US7800978048
無論如何,今次係好好的事件令各位死跟BLOGGER 買野的人好好檢視自己的組合風險。之後,就是期待BLOGGER 們會點講了~~
- Redemption of (RBS-PRF) US7800978048
- 哇,BLOG 界真係是非之地。哈哈~
2017年7月17日 星期一
Callable Bond being called: Reason why need to buy below par/ callable price
VRXCN@OTC has announced it will become subject to a full call effective 20170815.7 JUL 2017: bought 4K at 101, 6.75% coupon, next call 100 at 15 AUG 2017.
P/L is around: -101 +100 -commission + coupon =~ (1/2%) in a month.
added one more rule into my list when buying bond:
- price < MIN(par, callable price)
2017年7月9日 星期日
I go to school by bike: a Short Note to My Portfolio (sorry for my broken English)
- global asset allocation: a mix of equity, bond & interest-generated asset, reits, commodity and other alternative
- Rebalancing: rebalance the ratio of each asset class every month.
- risk parity: credit to Ray Dalio, equity: debt ratio in the portfolio shouldn't be 50:50, 60:40 or decide by the age of owner. As the change of asset price in equity is larger than debt, debt should share a much larger percentage than equity in the portfolio in order to construct a risk parity portfolio.
- Remark: (ref to my 31/8/2016 note) R.D. suggested a portfolio with 30% equity, 40% Long-term US bond, 15% of Intermediate-term US bond, 7.5% of Gold and 7.5% of other commodities. I believe this is a good start to construct one's portfolio
- Remark 2: (ref to the same page) my benchmark is an index with following allocation: 30% VTI, 45% TLT, 20% IEF, 2.5% GLD and 2.5% DBC
- benchmark can also be an absolute fixed return like 12% a year (aim to double the portfolio in 6 years) or 7.5% (aim better return than HSEA/ HSEB)
- 我認為要全局咁睇,個回報先有意思。1)唔少blogger 經常講自己邊隻幾多回報,但永遠唔提及買左幾大,佔成個本幾多比例,係無意思的。2)同時,回報係事後大家睇到的(如果佢地有如實寫出來),但過程當中的風險係睇唔到的。比如全倉做期權短倉坐足一年回報10% 唔洗接貨,同坐reit 10% 回報或者full paid 買樓租金回報2.5% 加7.5% 升值的回報,當中的風險就很不一樣。
- 風險:好多人有對風險有唔同的定義。credit to Howard Marks
- Marks: Risk is the probability of losing money, I mean, that's the main risk. There are other risks. There is the risk of falling short of your goals or your needs. There is the risk of being forced to sell at the – on a downward fluctuation and that interestingly is related to volatility, but volatility is not risk. Risk is the chance of losing money.
- long-short strategy: sometime for pair trade- long and short different assets and bet their ratio in price narrow or widen. eg long 0200.SEHK and short MLCO.NASDAQ early this year. and sometime it is for other purposes: like short SPY to hedge US equity position and lower the market exposure; or short TLT and long bond/ interest-generated assets at the same time, short TLT could lower the interest rate risk for the portfolio and made this pair more like a carry trade.
- leverage: i use leverage in my portfolio. i start my trading in equity market then forex market. so i get used to the leveraged position have some understanding about risk. Therefore, i know that i will not be very rich (by trading with tons of risk). Again, portfolio should be view in total: that's the total assets holding / total capital of you that matters. I'm puzzle every time i read something like "股票部分不做槓桿而債券/REIT的部分作兩倍槓桿"
- transaction cost: i used budget broker- interactive brokers(IB). Lowering transaction cost does matter for me. same reason for passive investment/ using low-expenditure ratio ETF/ low interest-rate charging brokers. At the end of the day, it is the total return net of any costs(interest/ tax/ broker fee etc) involved does matter. Thus, keep your transaction cost low but maintain quality service received is a key.
- Here, i'm going to every asset class. start with those fewer people involved and talked about:
- Forex balance: i borrow of SGD for Singapore Equity position and borrow JPY for Japanese equity position. Usually i just borrow the full amount of that currency. Remark, I don't think it is reasonable to borrow half SGD and half in HKD to buy Mapletree Greater China. When there's positive balance of HKD I switched them USD in order to lower the negative balance and interest payment.
- Price Action: beside IB account, I have a FXCM account to trade CFD of forex. My method to trade forex is purely price action- with no indicator on the chart. That is- the chart is clean with only candlestick. Time frame is usually weekly and go down to daily for in/out.
- HKJC ball-horse fund: credit to poolhuner. IMO, result is good for double HaFu but bad for oversea horse. if you have no 半自動外掛, it is a time-consuming job.
- Bitcoin: i do own bitcoin but no alt. coin. It may goes to 7K-10K USD in the next top. Not recommend to buy any before mid- of Augest when the SegWit settled.
- Commodity: a simple play with ETF like DBC would do good. Currently holding: 鋁, 銅, 金CFD, 鈾ETF, 農產品ETF, 全餐ETF. Not recommend to buy 實金/實銀. It is not easy to keep 實銀 in good condition in HK.
- Risk arbitrage: i think the name risk arbitrage is stupid. Anyway, one can read wai gor blog for lots of M&A deal opportunity. Please be very careful when reading his blog! you are in headwind position if just read and copy his trade. Few people really understand those small/ nano- cap stocks recommend by him.
- Remark: 財演係報紙幫有心人寫一隻股大約收30-50萬。咁有無blogger 會收人錢推股呢?PS,i'm not certain that wai gor had do this(or not) before or after his gap-years long ago.
- Spinoff: credit to Joel Greenblatt. It is kind of good way to generate some return. example: YUMC and 利中。
- Reit: Mapletree GGC and Lippo Malls are good. credit to 早月, i'm copying his idea in NRZ, CBL and WPG.
- Bond, equity and other will be written (likely not XDD)
2017年5月23日 星期二
2017年5月14日 星期日
BLOG 界斷9估系列之一 HKMA 終身年金計劃
其他小問題例如無考慮time value of money 等比不上錯估投保人身故時可即時收回的現值及其回報率(以及影響其後與之的比較),故只舉一例,不全部指出。
其實要公共年金的年回報率在數字上增長很容易 - 在最短的時間內過身就可以。請容許我做個刻薄的假設,假如投保人在投保的第二個月過身,後人可拿回105萬港元,年回報率是50000/1000000*12,即年息60%。又假如投保人在投保的第二天立即過身,後人依舊可拿回105萬港元,年回報率是50000/1000000*365,即年息1825%!
其他小問題例如無考慮time value of money 等比不上錯估投保人身故時可即時收回的現值及其回報率(以及影響其後與之的比較),故只舉一例,不全部指出。
2017年3月6日 星期一
[持續更新] Blogger 出櫃一覽
Murciélago @ 尋找生活之路
出櫃時間: 2017年3月
按揭回贈 - 從銀行手上奪回屬於你的錢
詳情:開左間細A 為大家提供按揭回贈。
出櫃時間: 2016年
那一天, 我們都踏上了財務自由的不歸之路
出櫃時間: 2017年3月
按揭回贈 - 從銀行手上奪回屬於你的錢
詳情:開左間細A 為大家提供按揭回贈。
出櫃時間: 2016年
那一天, 我們都踏上了財務自由的不歸之路
2017年2月26日 星期日
The Most Important Thing Illuminated: Uncommon Sense for the Thoughtful Investor
by Howard Marks
這是2017 年的新版本,新加入了評注。
by Howard Marks
這是2017 年的新版本,新加入了評注。
2017年2月14日 星期二
[資料備用] IB Form 1042-S
ACTION: 15/3/2017 後再check IB Form 1042-S 的資料。
暫時略略睇過下515,519,網上其他人用Income Effectively Connected With U.S. Trade/ Business 黎扣個人免稅額,我對呢點抱有懷疑。乜係美國經營業務的上市證券的派息可以用呢個方法?如GOOG,AAPL 的派息。
而如果只用Form 1040NR Page 4- Tax on Income Not Effectively Connected With a U.S. Trade or Business 黎搞,咁香港同美國無tax treaty 減低原本30% 的扣稅,是不是搞咁多野後,可以受惠的部分只有追回:證券行誤把Short/ Long Term Capital Gain 的部分當了作派息而多預扣稅呢?
希望路過的朋友俾D 意見。
Thank you for your message. The 2016 1042-S will be available electronically on Account Management by end of day on March 15, 2017.
On March 15, 2017, please follow the steps below after logging into Account Management with your primary username to access your 2016 tax forms (https://gdcdyn.interactivebrokers.com/sso/Login).
1). Scroll your mouse to 'Reports'
2). Click on 'Tax'
3). Click on 'Tax Forms'
Unfortunately, IB provides no research service nor support to assist client with getting a rebate on the withholding tax from the IRS. Please consult a local tax advisor for assistance as IB does not provide tax advice.
暫時略略睇過下515,519,網上其他人用Income Effectively Connected With U.S. Trade/ Business 黎扣個人免稅額,我對呢點抱有懷疑。乜係美國經營業務的上市證券的派息可以用呢個方法?如GOOG,AAPL 的派息。
而如果只用Form 1040NR Page 4- Tax on Income Not Effectively Connected With a U.S. Trade or Business 黎搞,咁香港同美國無tax treaty 減低原本30% 的扣稅,是不是搞咁多野後,可以受惠的部分只有追回:證券行誤把Short/ Long Term Capital Gain 的部分當了作派息而多預扣稅呢?
希望路過的朋友俾D 意見。
Thank you for your message. The 2016 1042-S will be available electronically on Account Management by end of day on March 15, 2017.
On March 15, 2017, please follow the steps below after logging into Account Management with your primary username to access your 2016 tax forms (https://gdcdyn.interactivebrokers.com/sso/Login).
1). Scroll your mouse to 'Reports'
2). Click on 'Tax'
3). Click on 'Tax Forms'
Unfortunately, IB provides no research service nor support to assist client with getting a rebate on the withholding tax from the IRS. Please consult a local tax advisor for assistance as IB does not provide tax advice.
2017年2月12日 星期日
2017年2月5日 星期日
2017 二月好BLOG 推介
2017 二月好BLOG 推介:
歷史經濟政治類。作者以前係信博的日子已經睇開,某個時期,幾位信博的樓主開的POST 好睇過信報多多聲,佢寫的係其一。
呢個BLOG 雖然我無由頭睇到尾同堆食曬D 留言,但因為作者的文章跟進已久,固破例推介。
- 好記得年頭有個男人黎話要食“咖哩雲吞飯”,好啦,我交貨的時間都笑到GAPGAP 聲想知佢食落係點,點知佢又食得好滋味喎。於是有次有機會我自己都整個咖哩雲吞飯黎試下,其實都OKAY,唔太古怪,甚至有時D 客黎唔知想食乜,我有時都會打趣的話試下咖哩雲吞飯啦!當然,係無人願意試的。
- 年中有個靚女疑似ABC 同佢幾個朋友黎,咁呀ABC靚女就問:你依度有無卡不千奴架?下,靚女,你望下周圍真係覺得呢度似會有卡不千奴飲?!呀靚女就好識做咁話:咁呢度可能D 人臥虎藏龍,真係識呢!於是乎,我介紹左佢個附近一檔正野咖啡店。
- 有個中年女人黎到,係度問豬紅同豬腸係咪當兩份食送;咁個日咁岩有其他檔的師父經過開,就細細聲同我講:刁,乜L 野豬紅同豬腸係咪當兩份食送呀,兩樣都係豬就當係一樣呀!?我笑笑口無回應,因為再古怪的問題都聽過。。。
- 雞年決定左新十五先再開檔,D 客仔會嘩一聲然後問個鋪係咪自己的。
- 以上幾個小故事講左乜?點解要寫出黎?請體諒我唔一一解釋啦。
- 點解我個BLOG 寫得咁疏?我有野想寫咪寫囉,寫BLOG 寫幾多篇,有無人睇,好閒姐,唔好阻住我HAPPY 先得架!
- 經過呢度咁有緣的朋友,對你黎講幸福感係點先至有呢?每個人都可以有唔同的答案;我就比較簡單,比如有時平日三點鐘,當其他人都係度辦公室工作緊時,我可以係外邊望住藍色的天空,有時慢慢行去海邊9 hea,就已經有呢種幸福的感覺。祝各位都找到呢種感覺,日日都HAPPY!
2017 二月好BLOG 推介:
歷史經濟政治類。作者以前係信博的日子已經睇開,某個時期,幾位信博的樓主開的POST 好睇過信報多多聲,佢寫的係其一。
呢個BLOG 雖然我無由頭睇到尾同堆食曬D 留言,但因為作者的文章跟進已久,固破例推介。
2017年1月9日 星期一
2016 年讀到的好BLOG (待續)
文章 (Atom)